How a troubled dog helped our family after trauma

Victoria BC pet photographer shares her story

Thanksgiving 2017

I held Georgia’s hand as she was wheeled into the operating room at Seattle Children’s Hospital. We closed our eyes and imagined going to the beach as she was put under anesthetic for stitches across her cheek and chin. Earlier that day she had reached out to pet a dog that jumped up and bit her face.

A woman in the neighborhood had recently adopted the dog from a rescue agency. I don’t know what happened to him after the bite but I hope he has a wonderful life. I was so dumb for letting Georgia pet him.

Years later, I would pick Georgia up whenever I saw a big dog approaching. But I still loved dogs. I loved my pups growing up. And wanted one for our family.

Two years ago we adopted Polly. To say she hasn’t been easy would be an under statement. Polly is a work in progress with her behavior guarding our property and reactivity towards other dogs on leash.

She’s also a wonderful, loving dog with our family. Georgia adores playing with Polly and teaching her things. She and Polly share the same energy, enthusiastically greeting one another and collapsing into a puddle of love when Georgia comes through the door.

Georgia has little memory of that sunny fall morning when time stopped. I remember every detail. Little did I know, healing would come with time and through another, seemingly flawed dog, we now call our own.


The best props for a dog photoshoot


Dogs: in our hearts and in our art