Do these three things to help your dog have a great photoshoot
Christine Roulston Christine Roulston

Do these three things to help your dog have a great photoshoot

We all want our little fur babies to shine when it’s their time in front of the camera. With a little preparation, it’s easy to help them on their big day.

Provide as much info as possible beforehand

There’s a reason I send you a short questionnaire leading up to the session. I want to learn all about your pup and what makes them tick. What do they love? What do they hate? Is there a word or sound that makes their ears go, “hello”? What do you love most about your dog? All this will help me craft an experience they love and artwork you’ll love for years to come.

Exercise your pup beforehand

Dogs that are well-exercised are more at ease. A happily tired dog will be less anxious about a new environment and less likely to be bouncing off the walls. Which leads us to our next point…

Bring your patience and your sense of humour!

Your dog may choose not to listen to you, or me. They may chew things, jump off the furniture or pee on the floor. Whatever happens, we’ll take it in stride. What’s most important is to stay calm and keep a sense of humour. Your dog will pick up on our energy, will eventually calm down and assume their place as the superstar they are.

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