Preparation is key when it comes to family photography

Parents playing with two girls in field at Mount Tolmie

Yes, your kids can be this happy for their next photoshoot! Here are my top tips:

Get them involved in outfit selection. Kids love to have some say in what they wear instead of having the decision sprung on them the morning of the shoot. If you want some control, try the good old, “would you rather wear this shirt or that one” trick with some pre-chosen clothes.

Make sure they’re fed, rested and not rushed. I will always work around naps and feedings to make sure your babe is at their best. Big kids are no different: they need a good night’s sleep and a snack to feel great.

Frame the photoshoot as a fun outing. Assure your kids the it will be a cool experience where you get to have some fun as a family. We want to keep the mood light so I can capture those true smiles and laughs. So please don’t stress that they need to listen or behave — when I need them to pay attention I’ll look after that.

And, finally, I won’t call it “bribery”... But what family outing is complete without a stop for ice cream before heading home? 😉


Lighting your photoshoot in Victoria, BC


What to wear to family photos in Victoria, BC